Sunday, November 13, 2022

The New "One Knob Collection"

I tend to build a lot of either vintage pedals or complex pedals, but there are a lot of really good pedals with only one knob. In fact, the first actual build I posted on the blog was a clone of the one-knob Acapulco Gold pedal, even though that wasn't the first pedal I'd built. I've recently been experimenting with some boards I've been able to order direct, which makes it cost-effective to offer some simpler pedals for sale through the studio. So without further ado, I'd like to introduce the first three pedals in the "One Knob Collection," but in typical Steggo fashion, there has to be a fun story to go with it!

So there you have it, the first three pedals are:
  • The Astrodon Physicist - A Brian May treble boost pedal
  • Acanthopholis Gold - An Acapulco Gold clone on a new board
  • Archaeoceratops - An EQD Arrows clone
All three of these will soon get their own introduction on the blog soon and will be up on the Reverb store - generally at $79 with shipping included!

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