Monday, December 18, 2023

Return of the Queen - A Special Saurus Regina!

Back in July I completed my first clone of the Lizard Queen pedal - it's really a decent old school fuzz pedal, and I've built a few here and there. I'd ordered some more enclosures and unfortunately one of them was misprinted at the factory. This is a fairly rare event, and Tayda always makes things right, but I wondered if it might be possible to use this particular enclosure for something fun - so enter a special version of the Saurus Regina pedal!

This build followed the exact same recipe I've used for other builds of this pedal. I'm using Allen Bradley carbon composition resistors and a couple of ceramic capacitors to better match the "big box" configuration of this pedal, in a small 125B form factor. I'm even using an old-school 1N5817 diode for the voltage protection diode as I was able to find some at my local electronics surplus store. The film capacitors are all modern WIMA, and the electrolytic capacitors are all new production Nichicon. The transistors are all new production as well.

For the interior wiring, I'm following my normal practice with PedalPCB boards of grounding all of the jacks to the board itself. This particular enclosure was drilled (and supposed to be) a "Blues Brachiosaurus" pedal, but it accidentally got the Saurus Regina UV print. By a happy accident, the control labels and all of the controls / art fell in spots to where I could make a build with it - with some modifications. The LED had to be relocated from its normal position near the top of the enclosure to near the stomp switch - no problem - I just jumpered the LED on the board and used my 3PDT daughter board with the LED connection on board. I also had to move the balance pot up to be in line with the other two controls - that required hand-wiring the pot to the board, but as the other two controls were in roughly the same position, they provide stability to the board. 

The face of the enclosure is a little hard to read as it is black on black, but everything is actually legible. There have also been several pedal companies doing black on black designs this holiday season, so it actually fits in with that trend as well.

I'd originally hoped to get this one out with the Dinovember celebration, but things have been crazy here. Better late than never, eh? The pedal itself sounds exactly like my personal copy. Honestly I kind of like the blacked out look, and I may make a few similar ones in the future with the correct drill pattern - though I may go with red rather than green text. 

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