Thursday, April 28, 2022

Site and Pedal Sales Updates

So the (very) small scale manufacturing is now in full swing at Steggo. I'm not intending to go into a stand-alone business here, just small-scale sales of a few pedals to share the good tone and basically support the hobby. To that end, I've added a pedals for sale gadget on the right hand column. Those of you reading this on a mobile device will likely need to change to web emulation to actually see it - I remain convinced that mobile devices by and large provide absolute crap emulation of just about everything. I've also added links to the Steggo Facebook page as well as my Instagram account which is mostly Steggo related at this point. I've also added a "Contact Steggo!" gadget so you can email me with questions, orders, anything.

In terms of actual products, I'm adding additional granularity to the new Dimetrodon Distortion pedal I announced a couple of weeks ago. Since this pedal can be built in myriad combinations, the serial number will include a letter-number code indicating what combination of distortion and tone stack was used in the build based on the table above. If people want to request a specific combination, I'm happy to build any version someone would like. The sort of "standard" configuration combines two of my favorites - the '80 Distortion+ with the '75 Ram's Head Tone Stack - and would therefore be code B3. I haven't validated all of the builds yet, so I guess I'd better get cracking!

Pedals for Ukraine added my builder profile yesterday - hopefully in anticipation of the Ukrainian BMP pedal going up for auction soon! When it hits I'll make a post here and on my Facebook page announcing it's available. I'm really honored to be a part of this project and have been incredibly impressed with the generosity of the people bidding on pedals.

I have several new personal builds in the works, along with a few "for sale" pedals that need boxing up. Keep watching the side gadget for new releases as they hit!

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