Monday, March 7, 2022

Warmoth Build in Guitar of the Month Contest

Just a quick update for today. I've been out of commission guitar-wise for a week since I cut my finger early last week. My level of self-recrimination has been very high. I've also been working on a couple of fun projects, but they're not ready to add to the page yet. I'm hoping to actually get some things finished and posted later this week. That being said, the Warmoth Guitar of the Month contests have started back up for the year at the Unofficial Warmoth Forum. March's theme is "Warmoth or other professionally finished" instruments. I took a couple of new pictures of the StG 90, my Gibson SG tribute I built back in November, with the finishing touches being added at the first of the year, and submitted it to the contest. This remains one of my favorite guitars because it has so much tonal range.

The reason I ended up taking all new pictures of the guitar for the contest is because of the very strict rules (and size limitations) on the photos that you can use. The process has once again taught me that taking pictures of guitars is HARD, and I have newfound respect for the guys who photograph the guitars professionally for Sweetwater. Guitars with glossy finishes (like mine) tend to reflect anything and everything from lights to furniture, to people, and the object here is to see the guitar, not the other things in the room!

This is the first contest of any sort that I've entered with any of my guitar or pedal builds. There are three entries so far (the historical average seems to be around ten per month) and the other two are really nice builds as well, so I know it is going to be a tough fight. Of course, at the end of the day all the entrants are winners because we actually get to play these awesome instruments! (Or, at least I will once my d*** finger heals up!).

Update: Voting for the contest is open here: Warmoth Forum Voting

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