Saturday, May 14, 2022

More Thagomizers Inbound! Vintage Colorsound Power Boost in a Modern Box!

In February I posted my first build of a Colorsound Power Boost pedal using the AionFX Nucleus board. I'd initially been interested in the pedal and is sibling, the Overdriver, as they were some of the early pedals used by David Gilmour. For my Overdriver build, I'd gone with all modern components and an enclosure which harkened back to the original case. For the Power Boost, I sort of went the opposite direction, I used all vintage components and created a unique dinosaur themed enclosure for it to sort of establish the "Steggo" brand version of the pedal. Honestly I really love this particular pedal, and I think in terms of build enjoyment it is right up there with the Big Muff Pi and Distortion+, so I decided I'd try and build a few more to "support the habit" as it were.

When I say a "few more" I mean three at this point, though I'm experimenting with some additional builds as well. As you can see from the photo above, the resistor load out on the three boards is a little different. The one on the left uses the Iskra resistors like I used on my original Thagomizer, along with tropical fish capacitors and axial electrolytic capacitors. You can see one of the capacitors is a bit larger, that is because if you recall I'd accidentally broken one in the original build and that is a replacement Mullard that I picked up separately

The other two builds use Phier resistors, which end up being a little cheaper than the Iskra ones, but not a whole heck of a lot - roughly $5 of the total build cost. Otherwise the components are pretty much the same. As before I'm using modern components in the bypass and for the 18V charge pump.

Since there is a difference in the parts load out, I wanted to have some way to distinguish between the Iskra and Phier versions of the Thagomizer beyond just using a different build code (THGA and THGB respectively). Therefore the Iskra versions will be in the army green and yellow enclosure, but the Phier ones will orange and black.

Steggo pedals now all have the model code and serial number in the enclosure (above) and on the back plate (below). Steggo signs both of them as well... which can be difficult as he has large feet!

The nucleus is a fairly compact board, and even with all of the very tall components, it fits neatly into the 125B enclosure with plenty of room not only to run the wires for the jacks, but for a 9V battery as well.

As you can see from the photo above, the artwork is the same as the THGA version of the Thagomizer I, just in black. I'm planning two other versions of the Thagomizer I - the THGC which will use Allen-Bradley resistors, and the THGM which uses all modern components. I haven't finalized the color scheme for those versions yet, but once I have them done, I'll post them here. Also, yes - since this is the Thagomizer I, there is a Thagomizer II planned. I'll let you guys guess what circuit that will be based on. Post your guesses in the comments!

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